
Whether you’re facing financial hardship, 补上账单, 预测大宗采购, or saving for a planned vacation, 婚礼, 或是完美的节日礼物, you can use the skip-a-payment option to defer a payment on your current auto loan. This option is available through certain banks and credit unions — such as 德州 Tech Credit Union — and any skipped payments will be added to the end of your loan’s term. 

Most financial institutions charge a small fee of around $25 for each deferred payment. 有很多贷款人, this deferment lasts only one month, and your regular auto loan payment will be due the following month. 

最棒的是? This skip payment option won't incur additional fees or negatively impact your credit rating. Skip-a-payment can be helpful when facing unexpected financial emergencies or hardships, allowing you to pay for important expenses. 

什么是免付, and how does it work?

德州 Tech Credit Union’s skip-a-pay program allows members to skip one monthly payment on their auto loans, so long as their accounts are in good standing and at least one consecutive payment has been made before the skipped payment date. Skip-a-pay can be used once every 12 months on eligible auto loans. 

Interest continues to accrue during the extension month at the agreed-upon rate stated in the loan agreement. Skip-a-pay will extend the loan period by one month and isn’t available for lines of credit, 信用卡贷款, 或者住房抵押贷款. 

Am I eligible to skip a payment on my auto loan? 

To qualify for an auto loan skip payment, your account must be in good standing, and all payments must be current. Account-holders are charged $25 for each skipped payment. 的 skipped month will then be added to the end of your loan term, extending its length. Interest will continue to accrue on your auto loan during the skipped month. 

How do I get an 信用社的美高梅MGM娱乐? 

Purchasing a new or used vehicle isn’t easy. 找到合适的SUV, 轿车, 范, 卡车, or coupe to accommodate your budget and needs can be time-consuming, 这就是为什么要得到一个 信用社的美高梅MGM娱乐 is often the most convenient and economical choice. 


1. 获取正确的信息.

A 信用社的美高梅MGM娱乐 application process is much like a bank’s. When seeking an auto loan, make sure you have the following information:

  • 驾照
  • Current and previous employment information
  • 当前和过去收入
  • Credit score and payment history
  • 汽车保险
  • 首页 address, Social Security number, phone number, and other important personal information

2. 得到预先批准.

这份 不需要流程, but it can help you negotiate a lower price with a dealership or private seller. 

Preapproval means that your credit score and history have been obtained to give the credit union a general idea of the maximum loan amount or interest rate for which you qualify. This can help you set a realistic budget before making a purchase. Trading in your current vehicle and making a down payment can also help reduce the total cost of the loan.

3. Understand the terms for your auto loan

一定要看一看 你的美高梅MGM娱乐条款 before signing, double-checking the fees, 指控, loan length, and annual percentage rate. 

以下 指控 are based on the standard presumptive value of all cars, SUVs, and 卡车s bought in the state of 德州:

  • Title transfer fee: A fee of $28 or $33, depending on the county.
  • 销售税:A 6.25% tax on top of the vehicle purchase, according to the 德州 Department of Motor Vehicles.
  • 使用税:A 6.25% 使用税收 is applied to vehicles purchased outside 德州 and brought into the state. All new or established residents who use their cars for business purposes must also pay this tax.
  • 吊牌及牌照费: 基本费用是51美元.75在美国,当地收费高达21美元.50.
  • Transfer registration fee: A fee of $2.50.


If you haven’t started the process of finding your dream car, we can help! 访问我们的 支持中心 or 在树枝旁停下来说话 和我们的一个顾问.